Malvern Baptist Church

Worshipping God, Following Jesus, Loving our town.


Someone described prayer as `the Christian's vital breath'.    We at Malvern Baptist Church are committed to prayer as a vital part of our Christian life and encourage prayer in every aspect of our church and individual lives. 

Click here for our special Prayer for Ukraine page   flag ukrain

Prayer Meetings

We hold regular prayer meetings in the church coffee lounge:

  • 8.45-9.30am every Monday morning to pray for the needs of the church, the local community and the World.  Please note this  prayer meetings is  currently held online on Zoom. Click here for the link.

  • 7.30-8.30pm every other  Wednesday. We will typically pray through a specific topic each month, but we also include prayer for wider needs (Topics).
    • No Wednesday prayer meetings in August
  • (See the church calendar for forthcoming specific dates. Click here)

Praying with Malvern Churches Together :
Little Malvern Priory
The Revd. Stephen Sealy. Outreach to walkers, cyclists, pilgrims and others who visit this ancient church; the development of a 'Benedictine Trail.' Giving thanks for the links with Little Malvern Court and Gardens, and pray for this continuing relationship

The Prayer Course
We offer a 6-session course based upon the Lord's Prayer of Jesus.  This will help you understand and develop the basics of prayer.

Additional Prayer 
We have occasional seasons of prayer.  For example, in recent years we have held a week-long prayer mission, attempting to cover the week with 24/7 prayer; with a particular focus on listening to God. As a church we support the Malvern-wide prayer initiatives such as Thy Kingdom Come and ONE, the ministers' prayer meeting.