Malvern Baptist Church

Worshipping God, Following Jesus, Loving our town.

Men's Group

skittlesOur Men's Group meets regularly in the Foley Arms (Wetherspoon's) on a Saturday for breakfast and discussion  on a topical subject.  In addition, we hold regular social events including skittles nights, barbecues, and trips. All men are welcome to attend.


7pm July 24th  - There will be a men's barbecue at Dave and Sue's house on Weds July 24th at 7pm. Please let Dave know if you are planning to attend so we can order the food. 

8.30pm Sept 21st  Men's Breakfast  at The Foley arms. Topic: A man and his media

Oct -  Quiz or Skittles TBA 

8.30pm Nov 9th Men's Breakfast  at The Foley arms. Topic:  TBA 

Dec  - Curry Night