Malvern Baptist Church

Worshipping God, Following Jesus, Loving our town.

Home Groups

The home groups meet fortnightly during the week.  As well as being a time when we can study God's word and pray together they provide great opportunities for friendship, fellowship and support for each other.

There are currently two home groups which meet  on Tuesday, one in the evening and one in the afternoon ,  and one meets  on Monday morning.   All the home groups meet in people's homes.  We usually use study material which has been written by the minister or a church member, often based upon the Sunday preaching series.

We are starting a new series of sermons and studies looking at 1 Corinthians.
The next Homegroup week starts on w/c 28th July .
The study notes will be available here.

If you would like to come to one of these groups, either regularly or just to see what it's like, please do contact the  minister. Click here