Malvern Baptist Church

Worshipping God, Following Jesus, Loving our town.

Church Bulletin Board

MBC Magazine
Please note that articles for the May magazine should be sent to Rosalie or Colin by Saturday 20th April.

Women’s Coffee Get Togethers
If you missed the Women’s Breakfast organised by the Priory on Friday 8th March there is another opportunity to meet up again at Women’s Coffee Get Together,  Friday 3rd May10.30am Alturo Lounge, BellevueTerrace, Malvern WR4 4PZ. Do just turn up – All Welcome

Malvern Well-Dressing Festival
Friday May 3rd to Monday May13th.
Wells, springs and fountains will be decorated with the theme of TREEs. 
Well-dressing blessings - Friday May 3rd 6.30pm St.James churchyard.
Saturday 4th May 4.00pm at Malvhina, Belle Vue island. Churches are invited to remember our dependence on water and to give thanks in their services during that time

Lifepath 24th - 28th June 2024
The Lifepath Volunteer Team is made up of members of many churches across the Diocese and beyond. W are nearly fully booked with children for the whole week but are still in need of lots of volunteers to be Pilgrim Guides/Assistants, Activity Group assistants and a whole range of other jobs!
For more information go to where you can also sign up, or email

The Wellspring Retreat Centre, Ledbury
Saturday 20th April 10am - 4pm QUIET DAY ' Living the Resurrection Life'
Leader - Rev. Jo Vickery
For more information  and to book visit

From Vicky Ayling

We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. - 1 John 1:3

I love how this verse reflects that the Christian faith invites people into community - with each other and with the triune God. University can feel like a really lonely place, so being on staff serving a club that helps students to make friends and journey together through questions of faith and spirituality feels very special. 

Praise and Prayer Requests 
We have been so blessed with some new students joining the Navigators community! They have brought fresh energy to the group and their love of the community is so rewarding to see. Join us in thanking God for growing our family!

Praise God that the Sub-Zero Beach Party and Potluck Smackdown successfully helped students get to know each other in a positive and encouraging atmosphere! 

In Bible studies this semester we are exploring the letters of 1 and 2 Peter. Please pray for Shelby and I as we facilitate the women's discussions on Tuesday afternoons! 

In late April some of our students will be setting off for Basecamp 2024 in British Columbia. This is an opportunity to gather with students from Navigator groups across Canada! We are so thankful for the students' enthusiasm for this trip and are excited to see them Rest, Grow and Play. Pray for blessing over the organisation and coordination of travel

The semesters pass so quickly and it will soon be Reading Week, please pray for safe travels and good rest for the students

And finally… 
Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. Ephesians 4:3 NLT