Malvern Baptist Church

Worshipping God, Following Jesus, Loving our town.

CAP Life Skills

CAP Life Skills is a friendly group that gives people the confidence and decision-making skills they need to live well on a low income. Members learn practical money-saving techniques, such as cooking on a budget, living healthily for less and making their money go further. Each course member will receive informal support from a dedicated CAP Life Skills Coach.

Dave Clarke and Derek Davison have trained to be Life Skills Coaches, and along with other team members from MBC will be offering a number of courses during 2024. 

CAP Lifeskills (current session has finished)
The CAP Life Skills has been rearranged to restart on Thursday 11th April to Thursday 13th June, at 10.15am  for 10 weeks. If you know of anyone who would value some practical advice and encouragement on how to live life on a limited income, please invite them to the courses or ring Dave Clarke on 07838 833 317

Course venue: Help Centre, Malvern Football Club Langland Avenue

(Invite cards are available at the rear of the church).