Malvern Baptist Church

Worshipping God, Following Jesus, Loving our town.

Cafe Church

Cafe church We occasionally hold Cafe church in the lower hall on Sunday evenings at 6:30pm for about an hour.  Our next  Cafe Church is on :

Sunday 22nd September: Mental Wellbeing 
Sunday 27th October: Dying Well 
Sunday 24th November: Stir-up Sunday (TBC) 4pm


This is a more informal meeting, where we sit around tables,  and drink coffee & tea, and eat cake, hence the name.  This arrangement also allows us to discuss the topic  for  the evening.  For example previous subjects for discussion have included: What's in the News, Simplifying our lives, the Environment, Contemplation, Beating Stress,  and Is P.C.Correct?  

Do look at our future programme and come along to join in the discussion, you would be most welcome.