Malvern Baptist Church

Worshipping God, Following Jesus, Loving our town.

6.30pm Evenings at MBC 

Evenings at MBC have changed since Covid. Rather than holding evening services each week, we will be arranging  a variety of evenings to meet specific  purposes, so keep an eye on this page and the church calendar  to see what's on.  Unless otherwise noted, evenings will take place at 6.30pm in the Lower Hall .

Open To God A meeting with a free format, focussed on worship, listening to God and the exercising of spiritual gifts.   Generally on the first Sunday of the month in the Coffee Lounge. 
Next meeting is: 

August 4th
September 1st
October 6th
November 3rd
December 1st

Cafe Church An informal meeting where we sit around tables, drink tea and coffee and eat cake!  This format allows us to discuss a topic of interest introduced by the host.  

Click here to go to our Cafe Church page
Our next Cafe Church will be:

6.30am Sunday 28th July: Welsh Revival